Sunday, December 9, 2012

Candys Troubles Are As Sweet As Her Name

So it's been another crazy week in the Ruvi house...  With major deadlines at work, tons of crochet hat orders to fill, and a craft fair it's all starting to blur together as if we've fallen into a weird time loop vortex in an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  I can see myself spinning as I fall through a black and white swirl where the edges of the frame get all distorted and some ominous music plays in the back ground.

However, I've managed to keep up with Candy Cane, our Elf, quite successfully and creatively through it all.  Here are photos to inspire you with your elf stories perhaps...

First daddy even got in the fun by helping hang Candy from the ceiling...

The girls had a lot of fun finding her...
Then Candy Cane found the chocolate advent calendars that Grandma had bought for the kids, Candy tried to wrap them, opened and ate some, then got tangled up in the tape!
Then Candy Cane continued our annual paper chain tradition.  We hadn't assembled one yet, and normally I wouldn't spend money on something we could do for free at home, but it was late, I was out of inspiration for that evening, and was wandering aisles at our local Target, when in the $1 bins I found pre cut strips of Christmas paper specifically for paper chains.  In my mind $1 was worth my sanity.
But last night was great, Candy made mom a little mad because she got into the good make-up.  Then, not only did she use mommy's new lipstick, but after applying the lipstick, Candy Cane kissed daddy all over his bald head!
I was pretty proud of myself for relying more on my own creativity than those inspired by Pinterest.  Hopefully I can keep up the magic a few more days.  As my kids so kindly remind me every three minutes or so...

Only 16 more days left!

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