Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oh the joys of being a kid!

It's been a very long week, one of those weeks where it feels like there never truly was a weekend because your weekend was busier than the work week and so I just know this week at the office will feel twice as long as well!  It doesn't help that I have been fighting some kind of virus off and on for the last 3 weeks now, it just keeps going around and around the office. 
But atleast we've managed to keep up with our Elf on the Shelf, Lilyana here is enjoying the Monopoly game that Candy Cane was playing vs. Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Scooby Doo and her Fijit Friend.
Several times during the day we've had to relocate our elf to keep her away from baby sister Scarlett, but any attempt I made caused major drama since it is said if a human touches the elf the elf will lose its magic, so I got creative...
I've been busy all week crocheting several hat orders which the money goes towards all the Christmas shopping which must get done when you have four kids.  Scarlett here is modeling one of my latest hat orders...
We also had a major life milestone for little miss Lily, she lost her very first tooth!  She was so excited, but guess what?  The tooth fairy got stuck in the major storm that came through our area.  She didn't make it.  (Well, you know that just means mommy messed up!)  So the second night Tooth Fairy left a lovely note explaining how she can't fly when her wings get wet...
We finally got the interior decorated and ready for Christmas which is always a major undertaking.  Our artificial prelit tree has seen better days and half the strands were burned out, so we still had to string lights on it.  Of course the older an artificial tree gets, the more time you must spend fluffing and artfully arranging each branch, and the larger the ornaments get to hide the gaps.  But in the end, it's always beautiful.
Once she, (she as in our tree) was completed, I had to go back out into the storm with my two older girls to get invitations for their upcoming birthday party.  Yes, 2 kids in December.  That was poor planning, or really, no planning on our part!  So off to the party store we went to get iCarly invitations and adhesive fake mustaches for party favors.  The girls are getting excited, can't you tell?

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